The Battle of Stonehill Fortress! (D&D 5e)
I recently ran my first IN-PERSON game of D&D since the start of the pandemic in early 2020. Before Covid, my wife and I hosted our...

D&D Stranger Things Starter Set Review
When Wizards of the Coast launched pre-ordering for their 5e Dungeons & Dragons Stranger Things Starter Set box, Michelle and I were very...

The pre-gens of G1-3 Against the Giants: a retrospective (part 2)
#DungeonsDragons #Pathfinder #1e #magicitems

The pre-gens of G1-3 Against the Giants: a retrospective (part 1)
#DungeonsDragons #Pathfinder #NPC #1e

3.Fixed: Settlement rules and available magic items for sale
If you enjoy the article below, please click here to pop on over to DriveThruRPG and pick up a free PDF copy of my PF-compatible...

Bandit Kingdoms Monster Highlight: Morginstaler, part 2
If you enjoy the article below, please click here to pop on over to DriveThruRPG and pick up a free PDF copy of my PF-compatible...

3.Fixed: Addressing design problems in the 3.x/PF engine
If you enjoy the article below, please click here to pop on over to DriveThruRPG and pick up a free PDF copy of my PF-compatible...

Bandit Kingdoms Monster Highlight: Morginstaler, Red Dragon of the Rift Canyon
#NPC #Monster #Dragon

Bandit Kingdoms NPC highlight: Cranzer, Boneheart of Iuz
#NPC #Boneheart